
Pilates in Pregnancy

Are you pregnant and not sure if pilates is for you? Then have a look at the following websites for further information. Be assured that B-Toned will modify exercises for you throughout your pregnancy.

Pregnancy Today – Pilates & Pregnancy – Pilates & Pregnancy

Pregnancy Period – Pilates During Pregnancy

Why Pilates and not Yoga?

Pilates and Yoga are both very popular these days and whilst there are quite a few exercises that are common to both, there are distinct differences. Pilates is designed as a total body workout for core strength and long lean muscles, however both disciplines can be quite complementary. For more information regarding these differences please go to and read some of the articles.

This link will take you directly to Yoga vs Pilates

Pilates and back painĀ 

Pilates, exercise & back painĀ 

Pilates and osteoporosis

Exercise for Health